/irc join [#channel] - Joins the given channel.
/irc part [#channel] - Parts from the given channel.
/irc switch [#channel] - Switches the current active channel.
/irc notice [#channel] [msg] - Sends a notice to the given channel.
/irc noticeto [name] [msg] - Sends a notice to the given user.
/irc nick [name] - Changes the users nick.
/irc raw [data] - Handles a raw irc message.
/irc hide - Hides irc chat messages.
/irc show - Shows irc chat messages.
/irc setcolor chat [colorid] - Sets the chat color.
/irc setcolor pm [colorid] - Sets the pm color.
/irc setcolor notice [colorid] - Sets the notice color.
/irc setcolor help - Displays the color help information.
/irc savelayout - Saves the current layout information.
:# [#channel] [msg] - Sends a message to the given channel.
:@ [name] [msg] - Sends a private message to the given name.
: [word] [data] - Unknown command at this time.