====== Key Binds ====== Ashita allows users to bind keys (and key combinations) to execute commands with ease. This allows users to really customize their experience and have keys do what they truely want rather than be restricted to the default mapping of what the game enforces for certain things. ==== Modifier Keys ==== Ashita supports the following modifier keys with keybinds: * ! - represents ALT key. * ^ - represents CTRL key. * @ - represents Windows key. * # - represents Apps key. * + - represents Shift key. Note; not all keyboards can handle multiple keys being pressed at once. This is based on your keyboards rollover and ghosting abilities. ==== Bindable Keys ==== Below is a list of valid keys to use with Ashita's key binding system. ESCAPE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 - = BACK TAB Q W E R T Y U I O P [ ] RETURN LCONTROL A S D F G H J K L ' ' ` LSHIFT \ Z X C V B N M , . / RSHIFT NUMPAD* LALT SPACE CAPITAL F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 F8 F9 F10 NUMLOCK SCROLL NUMPAD7 NUMPAD8 NUMPAD9 NUMPAD- NUMPAD4 NUMPAD5 NUMPAD6 NUMPAD+ NUMPAD1 NUMPAD2 NUMPAD3 NUMPAD0 NUMPAD. OEM_102 F11 F12 F13 F14 F15 KANA ABNT_C1 CONVERT NOCONVERT YEN ABNT_C2 NUMPADEQUALS PREVTRACK AT COLON UNDERLINE KANJI STOP AX UNLABELED NEXTTRACK NUMPADENTER RCONTROL MUTE CALCULATOR PLAYPAUSE MEDIASTOP VOLUMEDOWN VOLUMEUP WEBHOME NUMPADCOMMA DIVIDE SYSRQ RALT PAUSE HOME UP PRIOR LEFT RIGHT END DOWN NEXT INSERT DELETE LWIN RWIN APPS POWER SLEEP WAKE WEBSEARCH WEBFAVORITES WEBREFRESH WEBSTOP WEBFORWARD WEBBACK MYCOMPUTER MAIL MEDIASELECT