ImVec2 DisplaySize - The current display size for ImGui to render within.
float DeltaTime - Time elapsed since the last frame.
float IniSavingRate - Maximum time between saving current window positions.
const char* IniFilename - The path to the imgui.ini file.
const char* LogFilename - The path to the imgui_log.txt file.
float MouseDoubleClickTime - Time for a double-click to register.
float MouseDoubleClickMaxDist - Distance threshold to stay in to validate a double-click (in pixels).
float MouseDragThreshold - Distance threshold to before considering we are dragging.
int KeyMap[19] - Map of indices into the KeysDown entries array. (Used to translate key codes.)
float KeyRepeatDelay - Time before a key begins repeating while being held down.
float KeyRepeatRate - Time between each key repeat while being held down.
void* UserData - Custom defined user data.
ImFontAtlas* Fonts - Current atlas of loaded fonts. (Not implemented for Lua usage.)
float FontGlobalScale - Global scale for all fonts to use.
bool FontAllowUserScaling - Allows users to scroll in and out of ImGui when enabled.
ImVec2 DisplayFramebufferScale - Used for retina displays where window coords differ from frame buffer coords.
ImVec2 DisplayVisibleMin - Not used.
ImVec2 DisplayVisibleMax - Not used.
bool WordMovementUsesAltKey - Not used.
bool ShortcutsUseSuperKey - Not used.
bool DoubleClickSelectsWord - Not used.
bool MultiSelectUsesSuperKey - Not used.
ImVec2 MousePos - The current position of the mouse.
bool MouseDown[5] - Current mouse button states. (Starts at index 0: left, right, middle, +extras)
float MouseWheel - Current mouse wheel rotation offset.
bool MouseDrawCursor - Enables ImGui to render a cursor.
bool KeyCtrl - Flag that is true if Ctrl is pressed.
bool KeyShift - Flag that is true if Shift is pressed.
bool KeyAlt - Flag that is true if Alt is pressed.
bool KeySuper - Flag that is true if Windows key is pressed.
bool KeysDown[512] - Array of flags set to true if various keys are down.
ImWchar InputCharacters[16 + 1] - List of characters currently being input.
bool WantCaptureMouse - Flag that is true if ImGui is currently capturing the mouse.
bool WantCaptureKeyboard - Flag that is true if ImGui is currently capturing the keyboard.
bool WantTextInput - Flag that is true if ImGui is currently capturing input.
float Framerate - Estimated frames per second.
int MetricsAllocs - Number of current memory allocations.
int MetricsRenderVertices - Number of current vertices being rendered.
int MetricsRenderIndices - Number of indices being rendered.
int MetricsActiveWindows - Number of windows that are currently active.
ImVec2 MousePosPrev - The previous mouse position during the last frame.
ImVec2 MouseDelta - The current mouse delta.
bool MouseClicked[5] - Array of flags that determine if a mouse button was clicked since the last frame.
ImVec2 MouseClickedPos[5] - Array of positions that hold where a given button clicked since the last frame.
float MouseClickedTime[5] - Array of times that hold when a given button was clicked since the last frame.
bool MouseDoubleClicked[5] - Array of flags that hold if a mouse button was double clicked since the last frame.
bool MouseReleased[5] - Array of flags that hold if a mouse button was released since the last frame.
bool MouseDownOwned[5] - Array of flags that hold if a click started within an ImGui controls space since the last frame.
float MouseDownDuration[5] - Array of time that holds the duration since a mouse button was clicked down.
float MouseDownDurationPrev[5] - Array of time that holds the duration since a mouse button was clicked down (previously).
float MouseDragMaxDistanceSqr[5] - Array of distance (square rooted) that the mouse has traveled since a mouse click.
float KeysDownDuration[512] - Array of time that holds the duration of a key down.
float KeysDownDurationPrev[512] - Array of time that holds the duration of a key down (previously).