Table of Contents

File Namespace

The file namespace contains functions that interact with files and folders on the clients system.

You can access these functions via:




Creates a directory on the clients system. (Any sub-directories upto the end folder that are not present will also be created.)

bool ashita.file.create_dir(path);



Determines if the given path exists.

bool ashita.file.dir_exists(path);


Determines if the given file exists.

bool ashita.file.file_exists(file);



Obtains and returns a directories contents.

bool ashita.file.get_dir(root, mask, subs);

If only the root path is given to this function, it will return a table containing a list of folders found within the given directory. If a mask is given, the function will instead return any file/folder that matches the mask given.


Obtains the install path to a given Square Enix entity.

string ashita.file.get_install_dir(langId, entityId);

Language Ids:
 0 - Default (Use the default language of the current loaded client.
 1 - Japanese (Looks up registry information within PlayOnline.)
 2 - English (Looks up registry information within PlayOnlineUS.)
 3 - European (Looks up registry information within PlayOnlineEU.)

Square Enix Entity Ids:
 0 - PlayOnline
 1 - Final Fantasy XI
 2 - Final Fantasy XI (Test Server)
 3 - Tetra Master