====== Using Libs ======
Ashita's addon package comes with a handful of stock libraries (known as libs) that include various useful features.
Libraries can be used by addons easily, just simply 'require' them into your code. For example, most addons will make use of the 'common' Lua library include. This brings a collection of libraries into your code automatically. This can be used like this:
require 'common'
This will include the common library into your addons global Lua state. Libraries that are within sub-folders can be included like this:
require 'ffxi.target'
This would include the following library:\\
==== Available Libraries ====
^ Library Name ^ Description ^
| [[addons:using_libs:color]] | Includes various helpful functions to deal with chat colors. |
| [[addons:using_libs:common]] | Includes a handful of commonly used libraries. |
| [[addons:using_libs:events]] | Includes various additional events an addon can make use of from packet information. |
| [[addons:using_libs:log]] | Includes helpful commands for logging information. |
| [[addons:using_libs:mathex]] | Includes extensions to the base Lua math namespace. |
| [[addons:using_libs:packet]] | Includes helpful functions for dealing with packets. |
| [[addons:using_libs:settings]] | Includes helpful functions for dealing with settings for an addon. |
| [[addons:using_libs:stringex]] | Includes extensions to the base Lua string namespace. |
| [[addons:using_libs:tableex]] | Includes extensions to the base Lua table namespace. |
| [[addons:using_libs:timer]] | Exposes useful timer functions to an addon. |
| [[addons:using_libs:ffxi.common]] | Contains various definitions that are useful for various functions. |
| [[addons:using_libs:ffxi.recast]] | Includes functions for reading recast information from the FFXI client. |
| [[addons:using_libs:ffxi.target]] | Includes functions for reading various target information from the FFXI client. |
| [[addons:using_libs:ffxi.vanatime]] | Includes functions for using Vana'diel time. |
| [[addons:using_libs:ffxi.weather]] | Includes functions for reading weather information from the FFXI client. |