====== FFXi Recast Library ====== The FFXi recast library exposes useful functions for obtaining information about a players recast timers. The following functions are exposed by this library: //table// **Recast.GetAbilityRecastIds**(); * **Parameters** * //Function has no parameters.// * **Returns** * A table containing the players current ability recast ids. //number// **Recast.GetAbilityRecastIdFromIndex**(index); * **Parameters** * index - The index for the ability recast to lookup. * **Returns** * The ability recast id for the given index. //number// **Recast.GetAbilityRecastByIndex**(index); * **Parameters** * index - The index of the ability recast to lookup. * **Returns** * The recast timer for the given index. //number// **Recast.GetAbilityRecastById**(id); * **Parameters** * id - The id of the ability recast to lookup. * **Returns** * The recast timer for the given id. //number// **Recast.GetSpellRecastByIndex**(index); * **Parameters** * index - The index of the spell recast to lookup. * **Returns** * The recast timer for the given spell index. //number// **Recast.FormatTimestamp**(timer); * **Parameters** * timer - The timer to format. * **Returns** * The formatted timer.