====== Tableex Library ====== The tableex library exposes more functions to the built-in Lua table library. The following functions are exposed by this library: //table// **table.copy**(t); * **Parameters** * t - Creates a deep copy of the given table. * **Returns** * The copied table. //table// **table.count**(t); * **Parameters** * t - The table to count. * **Returns** * The number of entries in the given table. //boolean// **table.haskey**(t, key); * **Parameters** * t - The table to look within. * key - The key to look for. * **Returns** * True if found, false otherwise. //boolean// **table.hasvalue**(t, val); * **Parameters** * t - The table to look within. * val - The value to look for. * **Returns** * True if found, false otherwise. //table// **table.merge**(src, dest); * **Parameters** * src - The source table to merge. * desc - The destination table to merge into. * **Returns** * The new table. //table// **table.Nil**(t); * **Parameters** * t - The table to nil out. * **Returns** * The nil'd table. //table// **table.reverse**(t); * **Parameters** * t - The table to reverse. * **Returns** * The reversed table. //table// **table.sortbykey**(t, desc); * **Parameters** * t - The table to sort. * desc - Boolean to sort descending or not. * **Returns** * The sorted table. //number// **table.sum**(t); * **Parameters** * t - The table to get the sum of. * **Returns** * The sum of the values in the table. //number// **table.mult**(t); * **Parameters** * t - The table to get the sum of. * **Returns** * The sum of the values in the table. //number// **table.min**(t); * **Parameters** * t - The table to get the minimum value of. * **Returns** * The minimum value. //number// **table.max**(t); * **Parameters** * t - The table to get the maximum value of. * **Returns** * The maximum value.