====== Timer Library (Module) ====== The timer library implements helpful functions to create timer based function calls for addons. The following functions are exposed by this library: //void// **timer.RemoveTimer**(//string// name); * **Parameters** * name - The name of the timer to remove. * **Returns** * //Function does not return a value.// //boolean// **timer.IsTimer**(//string// name); * **Parameters** * name - The name of the timer to lookup. * **Returns** * True if it exists, false otherwise. //boolean// **timer.Once**(//number// delay, //function// func, //paramlist// ...); * **Parameters** * delay - The delay before the timer should fire. * func - The function to execute when the timer is triggered. * ... - The arguments to pass to the function when its called. * **Returns** * True when created. //void// **timer.Create**(//string// name, //number// delay, //number// reps, //function// func, //paramlist// ...); * **Parameters** * name - The name of the timer to create. * delay - The delay between each tick of the timer. * reps - The number of times the timer should occur. (0 for infinite.) * func - The function to execute when the timer is triggered. * ... - The arguments to pass to the function when its called. * **Returns** * //Function does not return a value.// //boolean// **timer.StartTimer**(//string// name); * **Parameters** * name - The name of the timer to start. * **Returns** * True on success, false otherwise. //boolean// **timer.AdjustTimer**(//string// name, //number// delay, //number// reps, //function// func, //paramlist// ...); * **Parameters** * name - The name of the timer to adjust. * delay - The new delay for the timer. * reps - The new reps for the timer. * func - The new function for the timer. * ... - The new arguments for the timer. * **Returns** * True on success, false otherwise. //boolean// **timer.Pause**(//string// name); * **Parameters** * name - The name of the timer to pause. * **Returns** * True on success, false otherwise. //boolean// **timer.Unpause**(//string// name); * **Parameters** * name - The name of the timer to unpause. * **Returns** * True on success, false otherwise. //boolean// **timer.Toggle**(//string// name); * **Parameters** * name - The name of the timer to toggle. * **Returns** * True on success, false otherwise. //boolean// **timer.Stop**(//string// name); * **Parameters** * name - The name of the timer to stop. * **Returns** * True on success, false otherwise. //boolean// **timer.Pulse**(//string// name); * **Parameters** * name - Unused parameter. * **Returns** * True on success, false otherwise.