^ Addon Name | Guildwork | ^ Addon Author | atom0s | {{http://guildwork.com/static/img/header.png}} ==== Description ==== Guildwork is a plugin that implements the features of the Guildwork plugin from Windower, into Ashita. ==== Commands ==== * /m [name] [msg] - //Sends the given Guildwork user a message.// * /gw who - //Displays who is currently online on Guildwork.// * /gw who [name] - //Displays who is currently online on Guildwork using a filter.// * /r [msg] - //Replies with the given message to the last person spoken to on Guildwork.// * /gw broadcast [msg] - //Broadcasts a message to Guildwork.// * /gw screenshot - //Uploads the last screenshot taken by Ashita.// * /gw screenshot --album "Album Name" - //Uploads the screenshot to a specific album.// * /gw screenshot --site ex-online - //Uploads the screenshot to a specific site.// * /gw screenshot "lolwipe" - //Uploads and broadcasts the screenshot and message.// * /ffxiah [item] - //Queries FFXiAH for an item on the current server.// * /ffxiah -s [item] - //Queries FFXiAH for an item stack on the current server.// * /gw bazaars [item] - //Searches bazaars for the given item on the current server.// * /gw bazaars -max 7000 [item] - //Searches bazaars for the given item on the current server with the given max price.// * /gw settings - //Opens the Guildwork settings page.// * /gw shouts - //Shows the latest shouts from the current server.// * /gw shouts 25 - //Shows the latest 25 shouts from the current server.// * /gw flush - //Flushes all current changes to Guildwork.// * /gw -h - //Displays help.// * /gw [command] -h - //Displays help for the given command.//