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Below is a list of in-game commands that can be used with Ashita. Ashita makes use of the games chatbox. You can type these commands into the games text input for chat like you would any other command.

Ashita Specific Commands


  • Displays the current Ashita version.

Misc Commands


  • Pastes the current clipboard text into the chat input.


  • Pastes the current clipboard text into the chat input. (Old method, does not support unicode.)

paste_old is deprecated and simply kept around to ensure things work for all users in case the newer paste has issues. It is not recommended to use the older version as it will be removed in a later version of Ashita most likely.

Window Manipulation Commands


  • Brings the window to the front.


  • Minimizes the game window.


  • Maximizes the game window.


  • Toggles the window frame (border).


  • Exits the game by force.


  • Moves and resizes the game window.
/move size [w] [h] - Sets the window size with the given width and height.
/move [x] [y] - Moves the window to the given x and y screen coords.

Time Based Commands


  • Causes Ashita to sleep for a given period of time. (Use with caution, can freeze the game if used incorrectly!
/wait [time_in_seconds]

Plugin Commands


  • Plugin specific sub-commands that can be used to interact with plugins.
/plugin silent - Toggles silent plugin messages. (Stops Ashita from printing load and unload messages for plugins.)


  • Loads a plugin file.
/load [name]


  • Unloads a plugin file.
/unload [name]


  • Unloads all plugins.


  • Lists all loaded plugins.

Direct3D Commands


  • Alters the fill mode. (Mainly for toggling wireframe on and off.)
/fillmode - Toggles the fillmode.
/fillmode [num] - Sets the fillmode to a specific value. (1 = point, 2 = wireframe, 3 = solid)


  • Alters the ambient lighting.
/ambient - Toggles the ambient setting on and off.
/ambient [0/1] - Sets the ambient setting on and off. (0 = off, 1 = on)
/ambient [a] [r] [g] [b] - Sets the ambient color.

Script Commands


  • Executes a script file.
/exec [name] - The name of the script file to execute within the scripts folder.

Input Commands


  • Forces a string to be parsed by the Ashita command handler.
/input [command] - Sends a command to the Ashita parser to be interpreted. 

Alias Commands


  • Interacts with command alias' to create quick shortcuts.
/alias [trigger] [command] - Adds an alias with the given trigger and command.
/alias add [trigger] [command] - Adds an alias with the given trigger and command.
/alias [del|delete] [trigger] - Deletes an alias with the given trigger.
/alias list - Lists all teh current bound alias'.
/alias clearall - Clears all alias binds.

Bind Commands


  • Interacts with keyboard binds.


  • Interacts with keyboard binds.


  • Unbinds all keybinds.


  • Toggles the bind-block feature to ignore keybinds while chat input is open in-game.

Input Device Commands


  • Interacts with gamepad related settings.


  • Toggles full mouse blocking.
ashitav3/commands.1492567186.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/04/18 18:59 by atom0s