The following functions are exposed to addons in order to allow them to interact with the built-in Ashita UI system that uses AnTweakBar.
Because of the nature of how some of these things work, there are some 'hack-arounds' in order to fully make use of the UI features.
number Gui_GetBarCount();
boolean Gui_CreateBar(name, x, y, w, h);
boolean Gui_DeleteBar(name);
boolean Gui_DeleteAllBars();
string Gui_GetBarByIndex(index);
boolean Gui_Define(def);
number Gui_DefineEnumFromString(name, str);
boolean Gui_RefreshBar(name);
string Gui_GetBottomBar();
boolean Gui_SetBottomBar(name);
string Gui_GetTopBar();
boolean Gui_SetTopBar(name);
object Gui_CreateVar(type, size);
void Gui_DeleteVar(var);
object Gui_GetVarValue(var);
void Gui_SetVarValue(var, value);
boolean Gui_NewButton(barName, name, def);
boolean Gui_NewSeparator(barName, name, def);
boolean Gui_NewReadOnly(barName, name, type, var, def);
boolean Gui_NewReadWrite(barName, name, type, var, def);
object Gui_GetParam(barName, vname, pname, type, count);
boolean Gui_SetParam(barName, vname, pname, type, count, values);
The following function IS NOT something users should call. Instead, this is a function that addons should define if they are making use of buttons. This function is called from the Addons plugin whenever a button is clicked.
void Gui_ButtonClicked(string name);